Chudnutie s AGEL FIT

Chudnutie a redukcia nadváhy, kontrola hmotnosti, potláčanie pocitu hladu, zlepšenie nálady.

AGEL FIT je učinný prostriedok proti nadváhe. Na rozdiel od mnohých tabletiek, ktoré spôsobujú vysoký krvný tlak a srdečnú arytmiu, FIT potláča hlad vďaka prírodným látkam, ktoré sú pre naše telo prirodzené a teda neškodlivé. V prípade užívania antidepresív sa poradiť s ošetrujúcim lekárom.

Aktívnu zložku HCA (hydroxycitrickú kyselinu) odobranú z plodov a šupiek garcinia cambogia. Výskumy a testy dokázali, že HCA zabraňuje telu k ukladaniu zbytkových karbohydrátov a spomaľuje tvorbu tukov. HCA do určitej miery potlačuje i hlad. Znižuje hladinu cholesterolu. Zvyšuje produkciu serotonínu v mozgu. Keď sme unavení, v depresii, v strese, unudení alebo nervózni siahneme po jedle, ktoré zapríčinia dočasnú tvorbu serotonínu – hormónu štastia. AGEL FIT stimuláciou jeho tvorby dáva signál mozgu, ktorý vyrovnáva našu náladu a výpina signály hladu, a tým zabraňuje zbytočnému prejedaniu sa.

Je 3x účinnejší ako samostatná diéta a cvičenie. Optimálne sa užíva 30-60 minút pred hlavným jedlom, 3-denne. Pri chudnutí je ideálne v kombinácii s AGEL EXO alebo s AGEL GRN.

V angličtine: Some Facts about the Ingredients in FIT The primary active ingredient in Agel FIT is Super CitriMax®. It is the patent pending form hydroxycitric acid (HCA) which comes from the extract of the fruit and rind of the Asian fruit called Garcinia cambogia. HCA has been shown in clinical trials to decrease body weight by reducing appetite, inhibiting fat synthesis, and increasing fat metabolism, without artificial stimulation of the central nervous system. The HCA in Super CitriMax® is bound to calcium and potassium, which maximizes its solubility, thereby, increasing its bioavailability. Research has shown that HCA potency, bioavailability, timing of ingestion, and dosage are the essential requirements for optimal results. In addition, the safety of Super CitriMax® has been confirmed in recently published studies. HCA has been found to produce multiple physiological effects. One of these effects is appetite suppression. Recent clinical studies show that Super CitriMax® increases levels of serotonin (5-HT) by blocking its re-uptake in the brain. This neurotransmitter has been found to play a vital role in a wide range of behavioral functions in the body, including mood, sleep and appetite control. Studies show that serotonin levels are closely related to eating behavior and body weight. There is a significant correlation between increased plasma levels of serotonin and decreased food intake, reduced weight gain and increased energy expenditure. In addition to its effect on appetite, increased serotonin levels may also play a beneficial role in helping overweight people face some of the related emotional issues, including binge-eating and depression. HCA also inhibits the production of fatty acids by inhibiting the biochemical action of an intra cellular enzyme called ATP citrate lyase. ATP citrate lyase controls the biosynthesis of cellular Acetyl CoA (a carbohydrate-derived building block for fatty acids). Acetyl CoA is originally synthesized in the cellular mitochondria, but since the mitochondrial membrane is impermeable to Acetyl CoA, it is converted into hydroxycitrate, pumped across the mitochondrial membrane then reconverted from hydroxycitrate into Acetyl CoA and Oxaloacetate via ATP citrate lyase. However, in the presence of adequate HCA, ATP citrate lyase is deactivated, thereby blocking the synthesis of fatty acids from carbohydrates and their subsequent storage in the liver. This also prompts biochemical changes in the liver that promote fat burning. By switching this enzyme off, HCA effectively blocks the conversion of starch and sugary foods into fat, and consequently, HCA is known as a lipogenesis (lipo — fat, genesis — creation) inhibitor. In other words, with Super CitriMax®, fatty acid synthesis is switched off. Super CitriMax® has also been found to help maintain existing normal cholesterol levels. There are many weight management products on the market that use HCA as the active ingredient. However, most of them do not use Super CitriMax®. This patent pending form of HCA is bound to the minerals calcium and potassium. Consequently, the HCA is virtually 100% soluble, and therefore more bioavailable than regular calcium-based HCA ingredients. Super CitriMax® also contains 20% more HCA than ordinary HCA products. In its new formulation, Super CitriMax® has been shown to be significantly more effective as a weight management aid than previous formulations of HCA. Super CitriMax® in and of itself is a well-proven weight management aid. However, now that it is formulated as an integral part of Agel FIT, its true potential will be realized. Super CitriMax® Agel FIT is a wonderful component of the initial line-up of Agel products. This weight management aid will be a huge help to those who struggle with “the battle of the bulge.” And, because it is formulated as a gel preparation, it can easily be taken when it is most effective (see below). We all know that being overweight is a common, frustrating problem for people in all parts of the world, and it would be wonderful if there were a magic pill that would melt away the extra pounds without any physical effort. Unfortunately, there is no “magic bullet”. Let’s face it. Losing weight involves a simple equation; the calories expended must exceed those that are consumed. In other words, we have to ’eat a little less’ and ’move a little more’. Now, this equation sounds easy, but the execution of a reasonable diet combined with a regular exercise program maintained over the long-term is sometimes not an easy process. Therefore, many people trying to lose weight will benefit from supplemental support as they face the inevitable obstacles along the way. So let’s talk about Agel FIT. This great tasting gel can help play a role in this frustrating struggle, without the harmful effects of stimulants. The active ingredient in Agel FIT is a well studied, patent pending form of HCA (hydroxycitric acid), called Super CitriMax™. It comes from the extract of the fruit and rind of Garcinia cambogia, and it has been shown in clinical trials to decrease body weight by reducing appetite and inhibiting fat synthesis without stimulating the central nervous system. There are other products on the market that use HCA for weight management, but not all of them contain Super CitriMax™. What makes this form of HCA so good is that it is bound to calcium and potassium, which maximizes its solubility, thereby, increasing its bioavailability. Add that to the fact that it is now suspended in a gel formulation and we have the makings of an awesome weight management aid. Research has shown that HCA potency, bioavailability, timing of ingestion, and dosage are the essential requirements for optimal results. According to the studies, the Super CitriMax™ works best if it is ingested 30 to 60 minutes prior to eating meals, three times each day. This will allow time for the absorption of the HCA and suppression of appetite. With the convenience of a gel pack, timing the ingestion of this product in the 30 to 60 minute window will be a breeze. The revolutionary gel technology used to deliver this formulation not only improves the availability of Super CitriMax™, but also offers a convenience factor that can maximize the timing of its ingestion. Although nothing can replace a healthy diet and regular physical activity, Agel FIT will be an excellent addition to a successful weight management program. Tomita K, Okuhara Y, Shigematsu N, Suh H, Lim K. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. 2003 Sep;67(9):1999-2001. Ohia SE, Opere CA, LeDay AM, Bagchi M, Bagchi D, Stohs SJ. Mol Cell Biochem. 2002 Sep;238(1-2):89-103. Westerterp-Plantenga MS, Kovacs EM. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 2002 Jun;26(6):870-2.


Zdravé chudnutie, zdravie a krása!

Tento program zahŕňa špeciálnu stravu a konzumáciu gelov:

Zdravé chudnutie s FIT


- chudnutie

- potláčanie pocitu hladu

- stimulácia produkcie serotonínu

- spaľovanie tukov

- znižuje uskladňovanie tukov

- s vhodným programom 3x účinnejší ako diéty, či fyzické cvičenie


Zdravý detox s GRNGRN

- chudnutie

- čistí tráviaci systém

- regeneruje trávenie a pečeň

- detoxikuje

- vhodný pri plynatosti a chronickej zápche



Zdravé spaľovanie tukov s BRN


- chudnutie

- spaľovanie tukov

- urýchlenie metabolizmu

- potláčanie pocitu hladu

- zvyšovanie schopnosti tvoriť svalovú hmotu

- rozpúšťanie tukov hlavne v oblasti brucha

- odporúča sa konzumácia s grepom



Zdravie s bielkovinami a aminokyselinami v PROPRO

- aminokyseliny a bielkoviny

- tvorba svalovej hmoty

- odbúravanie tukov, zelený čaj a inulín


Zdravie a energiaVLT

- energia pre fyzický výkon, povzbudenie

- znižovanie fyzickej aj psychickej únavy odbúravanie tukov, aj skrytých v tele