Krása zvnútra aj zvonka s AGEL GLO

Zdravie, krása, hydratácia tela je kľúčom k dobrému vzhľadu, potrebujete na to GLO.

Pri stárnutí naše bunky absorbujú vodu, čo vedie k suchej šúpajúcej sa pokožke. AGEL GLO svojou kombináciou Aloe vera a olejových extraktov zo semien zeleného čaju a výťažkov z kôstok hrozna pomáha bunkám absorbovať vodu, čím sa posilňuje pokožka, vlasy a nechty. Pôsobí porti mikróbom a ako protizáplalový zvlhčovač.

Lecitín podporuje zacelovanie bunkových membrán, pomáha obnovavať tkanivá v koži. Kolagénové vlákna v tele časom slabnú a naťahujú sa, čo má za následok vrásky a a ochabovanie pokožky.

Koenzým Q-10 a výdavky y ovocia aceroly a prasličky posilňujú tieto kolágenové vlákna, čím sa vyhladzujú vrásky, udržiavajú mladistvý vzhľad a pružnosť kože.

Extrakt z korenia kurkuma je antioxidant s protizápalovou funkciou, tónuje pleť.

Tokoferol (vitamin E) udržiava ochrannú vrstvu kože a chráni pred vplyvom toxínov.

AGEL GLO obsahuje kombinácie účinných antioxidantov, ktoré chránia telo a pokožku pred vplyvom voľných radikálov, ktoré nárušajú zdravé bunky. Antioxidanty obmedzujú a opravujú tieto poškodenie, eliminujú ich deštrukčnú silu a sú účinné proti procesom stárnutia, čo je viditeľné hlavne na koži. Krásna, čistá pleť, lesklé vlasy a zdravé nechty sú ukazovateľom vnútorného zdravia. Množstvo produktov pomáha zamaskovať chorý vzhľad pleti. GLO prekrvuje a regeneruje pokožku, zjemňuje ju a napína, vyhladzuje vrásky, pomáha chrániť pred ultrafialovými lúčmi, čistí póry a zabezpečuje jej zdravý, žiarivý a mladistvý vzhľad. GLO svojimi prírodnými zložkami pôsobí a vyživuje zvnútra smerom von. Nemaže sa na tvár, užíva sa vnútorne denne k jedlu.

V angličtine: Ingredients Facts Your skin and body deserves the best. That’s why GLO and the Ageless products use only the finest natural ingredients available. From the powerful antioxidants in grape seed to the wrinkle-fighting polyphenols in pomegranate, each ingredient has been carefully selected to soothe enhance your skin from the inside out. Grape Seed Oil The natural anti-oxidants in grape seed extract are said to be 50 times more powerful than Vitamin E—and even more effective than Beta Carotene. Even better, these nutrients remain in your bloodstream for three full days, releasing high levels of proanthocyanidins to strengthen blood vessels and help improve circulation. Green Tea Seed Oil Extract Green tea seed oil is a superb moisturizer, anti-inflammatory, and a great source of vitamin A, B and E. It also has antioxidant effects due to the powerful catechin polyphenols, which help fight the damage caused by free radicals in tissues and cells. Aloe Vera Aloe Vera has been proven to penetrate the skin almost four times faster than water, which helps improve the appearance by giving it the moisture needed. It is rich in enzymes, protein, vitamin E and C, anti-microbial, zinc, amino acids, polysaccharids and minerals. It is also known to repair the skin cells and stimulate the collage and elastic condition of the skin. Lecithin Lecithin is a phospholipid comprised of B vitamins, phosphoric acid, choline, linoleic acid and inositol. It is also a building block in cell membranes as it works to protect cells from oxidation. Lutein Studies have shown that Lutein increases hydration, elasticity and lipid levels in the skin. When taken on a daily basis, Lutein can help reinforce the skin’s antioxidant defense system as well as protect against damage from the sun’s ultraviolet rays. Acerola Cherry Extract This red, sweet and sour berry has thirty times the vitamin C found in an orange. It is a great antioxidant, and has anti-inflammatory benefits. Due to its high vitamin C content, Acerola cherries can increase your body’s ability to repair tissues quickly. Horsetail Extract Horsetail is a plant known for boosting circulation and helping in the rejuvenation of connective tissues due to the bio-minerals contained in it that are needed for collagen and elastin biosynthesis. The silicic acid it contains helps strengthen connective tissue. Coenzyme Q-10 CoQ10 is a powerful antioxidant that protects the body from free radical damage. It has also been proven to increase collage and elastin in the skin, and help repair damaged skin cells. Turmeric Extract Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties as well as being an excellent antioxidant. It’s continued use has shown to decrease the formation of deep creases and wrinkles, as well as even out skin tone. Tocotrienol Tocotrienol is the most powerful antioxidant of the vitamin E family. Studies have shown that it can prevent skin aging and damage by oxidative rays as well as helping to maintain and restore a healthy skin barrier.


Zdravie, krása, hydratácia s GLOZdravá krása tela aj ducha!

Agel svojimi skúsenosťami prišiel na výnimočný prínos AGEL GLO. AGEL GLO pomáha pri cukrovke a problémoch s obličkami. Odvodňuje. Zároveň hydratuje a udržiava zdravie. Má veľa vitamínov!