Zdravie pre kĺby a chrupavky s AGEL FLX

Zdravie a výživa, ochrana a flexibilita pohybového ústrojenstva (kĺbov, chrupaviek).

AGEL FLX je unikátna kombinácia 4 látok podporujúcich zdravie a ohybnosť kĺbov.

Chondroitín je základnou stavebnou súčasťou pri vytváraní a oprave hmoty chrupaviek, pomáha chrániť niektoré enzýmy v chrupavke pred rozkladom, udržuje štruktúru, mäkkosť a flexibilitu chrupaviek. Glukosamín (aminosacharid) je hlavnu zložkou chondroitínu. Zmierňuje zápaly a bolesti kĺbov, šliach, kĺbových púzdier, zlepšuje degenratívne procesy v medzistavcových platničkách chrbtice. Telo ho využíva aj na stavbu nechtov, šliach, pokožky, očí, kostí, kostí, väziva aj srdcových chlopní. Vekom sa v organizme tvorba glukozamínu znižuje, preto je jeho dopĺňanie ako stavebnej zložky kĺbov nevyhnutné.

MSM (metylsulfonylmetán) je dôležitý pre tvorbu kolagénu a tým pre správne formovanie tkaniva chrupaviek a kostí. Potrebný pre pevnejšie šľachy. Redukuje zápaly, opuchy, bolesti kĺbov, odstraňuje svalové kŕče. Pomáha pri akútnych športovných zraneniach (natiahnutie svalov a šliach) Poskytuje síru na tvorbu keratínu, potrebného na udržanie krásy a zdravia pokožky, nechtov a vlasov. Zjemňuje jazvy, hojí rany, odstraňuje akné.

Celadrín zvláčňuje bunkové membrány, čo pomáha chrániť chrupavku pred opotrebovaním, zvyšuje mazivosť v kĺboch, tlmí zápaly a bolesti. Existuje mnoho tabliet, ktoré obsahujú niektoré z týchto zložiek, ale iba FLX po prvýkrát v histórii skombinoval všetky štyri.

AGEL FLX bol nominovaný ako Najlepší nový produkt roka 2007 a 2008 medzi 300 000 produktmi na American Business Awards.

V angličtine: Chondroitin is extracted from shark or bovine cartilage. It is one of the major building blocks used in the formation and repair of the cartilage matrix. Cartilage is the tough, flexible connective tissue that serves as the cushion for the joints and is also found in other parts of the body such as the tip of the nose and outer ears. One of chondroitin’s primary functions as one of the key components in the cartilage matrix is to attract water to the other larger macromolecules within the matrix, thus keeping it soft and flexible. As such, it helps provide the cushion necessary to prevent bone-to-bone contact, especially in the weight bearing joints such as the knees and hips. In addition, the body uses chondroitin to prevent certain enzymes from breaking down the existing cartilage, thus providing a protective effect. The optimum daily dose is 1200 mg. Glucosamine is produced from crab, lobster and shrimp shells. It is classified as an amino sugar. Unlike other forms of sugar found in the body, this form is incorporated into the structure of body tissues, rather than being used for energy. In fact, the body uses glucosamine to build your fingernails and toenails, tendons, skin, eyes, bones, ligaments and even your heart valves. But, in particular, it is found in high concentrations in your joint tissues and more specifically the cartilage matrix. Glucosamine is one of the components used in the production of Chondroitin, and in fact, it stimulates the body to produce more of this important building block for joint cartilage. As we age, our bodies decrease the natural production of Glucosamine therefore supplementation of this important joint structural component is important. The optimal daily dose is 1500 mg. In multiple clinical trials, Glucosamine and Chondroitin have been found to work synergistically to help maintain joint health. MSM (MethylSulfonylMethane) is a naturally occurring organic sulfur compound found in many plant and animal tissues. Sulfur is an essential component of healthy hair, skin, nails, tendons, and joints. It has also been found to help detoxify the body on a cellular level. MSM provides the essential sulfur that is necessary to build strong collagen and therefore strong and healthy cartilage by strengthening the sulfur bonds between the collagen strands. Although MSM is found in many of the foods that we eat, processing and cooking easily destroy it. As a result, MSM is probably not present in significant quantities in the majority of foods that we eat. Most people would probably benefit from supplementation of this crucial element for optimal health. Celadrin® is a patented blend of cetylated fatty acids (CFA’s) that have been stabilized through a proprietary process of esterifying oils. In addition, the CFA’s in Celadrin® have the effect of increased joint lubrication. The prime role of Celadrin® appears to be its ability to enhance cell membrane health and integrity. The body is made up of an enormous number of cells separated into various types and functions. The cell membrane is the organized structure that separates and protects components in the cell from neighboring cells and the outside world. Some of the major components of the cell membrane are structural lipids, which regulate nutrients and other compounds across the cell membrane. This regulation is very critical to the adequate function and health of the individual cell. Celadrin® enhances the cell membrane and its integrity for efficient functionality. The result is a more efficient, fluid, permeable and a youthful cell membrane. Celadrin® enhances the lipid structure of the cell membrane converting it to a super membrane enabling the cells to rapidly repair and regenerate. In simple terms, Celadrin® improves the lubrication of joints and prevents the manufacture of compounds that produce temporary or minor pain associated with normal activities. How does Celadrin® compare to CMO (cetylmyristoleate)? CMO is simply one of the components of the unique matrix of Celadrin®. Researchers discovered the mixture was more effective than the isolated CMO. Hence, Celadrin® can be simply regarded as an enhanced form of CMO. Is there any difference between the various oral forms of Celadrin®? The product has previously been available in tablets, soft gelatin, and hard gelatin capsules. Since Celadrin® is a fatty acid complex, softgel capsules may provide advantages in absorption, just as with other lipid-loving molecues (e.g. CoQ10). As well, the published clinical trials utilized Celadrin® in a softgel form. Is Celadrin® safe? The safety profile is exceptional with no reported side effects or drug interactions. Can Celadrin® be used on a long-term basis? Absolutely, Celadrin® is completely safe for indefinite use without side effect. Are there any interactions with prescription drugs? There is no indication or known mechanism where Celadrin® would cause an adverse interaction with any medication. What are the joint health benefits in summary: Glucosamine as a major structural component of Chondroitin, stimulates its production. Chondroitin as a major building block of cartilage helps keep it soft and flexible, and protects it from enzymatic destruction. MSM strengthens collagen bonds, creating stronger, healthier cartilage. MSM relieves minor and temporary pain from normal activities. Celadrin® increases cell membrane. Celadrin® helps provide adequate joint lubrication. Precautions There have not been sufficient studies to determine the effect of these ingredients on pregnancy, and are therefore not recommended for pregnant women. If you are allergic to shellfish, you should consult your physician before using FLX. * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.



Zdravá výživa kĺbov s FLXZdravá výživa kĺbov a chrupaviek s FLX!

- pri úrazoch, operáciách a iných akútnych problémoch s kostrosvalovým  systémom

- pri ochoreniach kĺbov, chrbtice, stavcov či platničiek

- počas športu a u aktívnych športovcov

- preventívne po 40-tom roku života